Xi gamma chapter history
In May of 2000, Soror Cori Ahrens moved to the Washington, D.C. area and wanted to re-establish the bonds of sisterhood that she missed from North Carolina and the Alpha chapter. Cori immediately came into contact with Sorors Grace Kim, Danielle Ellis and interest Christie Aden. The three sisters, all from different undergraduate chapters and backgrounds, created the first ever GAP Intake Process, and Christie joined the Sorority in September 2000. At this point, the four women formed the Washington, D.C. Mid-Atlantic GAP Colony. The colony initiated Tonya Walton as its second GAP-process sister in 2001.
In September 2001, the Mid-Atlantic GAP Colony helped charter important GAP legislation at ‘Sisterhood in a Nu Millennium-2000-TNX National Convention,’ which was hosted, organized and run by the women of the soon-to-be Xi Gamma Chapter. This milestone was the Sorority’s first real convention and has built the foundation of the annual weekend celebration. Xi Gamma was officially founded on November 2, 2002. We have grown, shrunk, and rebuilt ourselves to make our chapter strong, viable, and most importantly, fun! Xi Gamma sisters are heavily involved with the national organization, representing the National Board, various committees, and always assisting the undergraduate chapters in our region.